Source code for catsim.initialization

import numpy

from .simulation import Initializer

[docs] class RandomInitializer(Initializer): """Randomly initializes the first estimate of an examinee's ability :param dist_type: either `uniform` or `normal` :param dist_params: a tuple containing minimum and maximum values for the uniform distribution (in no particular order) or the average and standard deviation values for the normal distribution (in this particular order).""" def __str__(self): return "Random Initializer" def __init__(self, dist_type: str = "uniform", dist_params: tuple = (-5, 5)): super(RandomInitializer, self).__init__() available_distributions = ["uniform", "normal"] if dist_type not in available_distributions: raise ValueError( f"{dist_type} not in available distributions {available_distributions}" ) self._dist_type = dist_type self._dist_params = dist_params
[docs] def initialize(self, index: int = None, **kwargs) -> float: """Generates a value using the chosen distribution and parameters :param index: the index of the current examinee. This parameter is not used by this method. :returns: a ability value generated from the chosen distribution using the passed parameters """ if self._dist_type == "uniform": theta = numpy.random.uniform(min(self._dist_params), max(self._dist_params)) elif self._dist_type == "normal": theta = numpy.random.normal(self._dist_params[0], self._dist_params[1]) return theta
[docs] class FixedPointInitializer(Initializer): """Initializes every ability at the same point.""" def __str__(self): return "Fixed Point Initializer" def __init__(self, start: float): """ :param start: the starting point for every examinee """ super(FixedPointInitializer, self).__init__() self._start = start
[docs] def initialize(self, index: int = None, **kwargs) -> float: """Returns the same ability value that was passed to the constructor of the initializer :param index: the index of the current examinee. This parameter is not used by this method. :returns: the same ability value that was passed to the constructor of the initializer""" return self._start