Source code for catsim.simulation

"""Module containing functions relevant to the process of simulating the
application of adaptive tests. Most of this module is based on the work of

import time
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import numpy
import tqdm

from . import cat, irt

[docs] class Simulable(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class representing one of the Simulator components that will receive a reference back to it.""" def __init__(self): super(Simulable).__init__() self._simulator = None @property def simulator(self): if self._simulator is not None and not isinstance(self._simulator, Simulator): raise ValueError("simulator has to be of type catsim.simulation.Simulator") return self._simulator @simulator.setter def simulator(self, x: "Simulator"): if not isinstance(x, Simulator): raise ValueError("simulator has to be of type catsim.simulation.Simulator") self._simulator = x self.preprocess()
[docs] def preprocess(self): """Override this method to initialize any static values the `Simulable` might use for the duration of the simulation. `preprocess` is called after a value is set for the `simulator` property. If a new value if attributed to `simulator`, this method is called again, guaranteeing that internal properties of the `Simulable` are re-initialized as necessary."""
def _prepare_args( self, return_items=False, return_response_vector=False, return_est_theta=False, **kwargs ): using_simulator_props = kwargs.get("index") is not None and self.simulator is not None if not using_simulator_props and ( kwargs.get("items") is None or kwargs.get("administered_items") is None or (return_est_theta and kwargs.get("est_theta") is None) ): raise ValueError( "Either pass an index for the simulator or all of the other " "optional parameters to use this component independently." ) result = [] if using_simulator_props: index = kwargs["index"] if return_items: result.append(self.simulator.items) result.append(self.simulator.administered_items[index]) if return_response_vector: result.append(self.simulator.response_vectors[index]) if return_est_theta: result.append(self.simulator.latest_estimations[index]) else: if return_items: result.append(kwargs["items"]) result.append(kwargs["administered_items"]) if return_response_vector: result.append(kwargs["response_vector"]) if return_est_theta: result.append(kwargs["est_theta"]) return tuple(result)
[docs] class Initializer(Simulable, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for CAT initializers""" def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialize(self, index: int) -> float: """Selects an examinee's initial :math:`\\theta` value :param index: the index of the current examinee :returns: examinee's initial :math:`\\theta` value """
[docs] class Selector(Simulable, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class representing a CAT item selector.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() @staticmethod def _get_non_administered( item_indices: List[int], administered_item_indices: List[int] ) -> list: """Gets a list of items that were not administered from a list of indices :param item_indices: a list of integers, corresponding to item indices :type item_indices: List[int] :param administered_item_indices: a list of integers, corresponding to the indices of items that were alredy administered to a given examinee :type administered_item_indices: List[int] :return: a list of items, corresponding to the indices that are in `item_indices` but not in `administered_item_indices`, in the same order they were passed in `item_indices` :rtype: List[int] """ return [x for x in item_indices if x not in administered_item_indices] @staticmethod def _sort_by_info(items: numpy.ndarray, est_theta: float) -> list: """Sort items by their information value, given a ability value :param items: an item parameter matrix :type items: numpy.ndarray :param est_theta: an examinee's ability :type est_theta: float :return: List[int] containing the indices of items, sorted in descending order by their information values (much like the return of `numpy.argsort`) :rtype: List[int] """ if irt.detect_model(items) == 1: # when the logistic model has the number of parameters <= 2, # all items have highest information where theta = b ordered_items = Selector._sort_by_b(items, est_theta) else: # else, sort item indexes by their information value descending and remove indexes of administered items ordered_items = [x for x in (-irt.inf_hpc(est_theta, items)).argsort()] return ordered_items @staticmethod def _sort_by_b(items: numpy.ndarray, est_theta: float) -> list: """Sort items by how close their difficulty parameter is in relaiton to an examinee's ability :param items: an item parameter matrix :type items: numpy.ndarray :param est_theta: an examinee's ability :type est_theta: float :return: list containing the indices of items, sorted by how close their difficulty parameter is in relaiton to :param:`est_theta` (much like the return of `numpy.argsort`) :rtype: List[int] """ return list(numpy.abs(items[:, 1] - est_theta).argsort())
[docs] @abstractmethod def select(self, index: int = None) -> Union[int, None]: """Returns the index of the next item to be administered. :param index: the index of the current examinee in the simulator. :returns: index of the next item to be applied or `None` if there are no more items to be presented. """
[docs] class FiniteSelector(Selector, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class representing a CAT item selector.""" def __init__(self, test_size): self._test_size = test_size self._overlap_rate = None super().__init__() @property def test_size(self) -> int: return self._test_size @property def overlap_rate(self) -> float: return self._overlap_rate
[docs] class Estimator(Simulable, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for ability estimators""" def __init__(self, verbose: bool = False): super().__init__() self._calls = 0 self._evaluations = 0 self._verbose = verbose
[docs] @abstractmethod def estimate(self, index: int) -> float: """Returns the theta value that minimizes the negative log-likelihood function, given the current state of the test for the given examinee. :param index: index of the current examinee in the simulator :returns: the current :math:`\\hat\\theta` """
@property def calls(self): """How many times the estimator has been called to maximize/minimize the log-likelihood function :returns: number of times the estimator has been called to maximize/minimize the log-likelihood function """ return self._calls @property def evaluations(self): """Total number of times the estimator has evaluated the log-likelihood function during its existence :returns: number of function evaluations""" return self._evaluations @property def avg_evaluations(self): """Average number of function evaluations for all tests the estimator has been used :returns: average number of function evaluations""" return self._evaluations / self._calls
[docs] class Stopper(Simulable, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for CAT stop criterion""" def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] @abstractmethod def stop(self, index: int) -> bool: """Checks whether the test reached its stopping criterion for the given user :param index: the index of the current examinee :returns: `True` if the test met its stopping criterion, else `False`"""
[docs] class Simulator: """Class representing the simulator. It gathers several objects that describe the full simulation process and simulates one or more computerized adaptive tests :param items: a matrix containing item parameters :param examinees: an integer with the number of examinees, whose real :math:`\\theta` values will be sampled from a normal distribution; or a :py:type:list containing said :math:`\\theta_0` values """ def __init__( self, items: numpy.ndarray, examinees: Union[int, list, numpy.ndarray], initializer: Initializer = None, selector: Selector = None, estimator: Estimator = None, stopper: Stopper = None, ): irt.validate_item_bank(items) # adds a column for each item's exposure rate if items.shape[1] < 5: items = numpy.append(items, numpy.zeros([items.shape[0], 1]), axis=1) self._duration = 0.0 self._items = items self._bias = 0.0 self._mse = 0.0 self._rmse = 0.0 self._overlap_rate = 0.0 self._initializer = initializer self._selector = selector self._estimator = estimator self._stopper = stopper # `examinees` is passed to its special setter self._examinees = self._to_distribution(examinees) self._estimations = [[] for _ in range(self.examinees.shape[0])] # type: List[List[int]] self._administered_items = [ [] for _ in range(self.examinees.shape[0]) ] # type: List[List[int]] self._response_vectors = [ [] for _ in range(self.examinees.shape[0]) ] # type: List[List[bool]] @property def items(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Item matrix used by the simulator. If the simulation already occurred, a column containing item exposure rates will be added to the matrix.""" return self._items @property def administered_items(self) -> list: """List of lists containing the indexes of items administered to each examinee during the simulation.""" return self._administered_items @property def estimations(self) -> list: """List of lists containing all estimated :math:`\\hat\\theta` values for all examinees during each step of the test.""" return self._estimations @property def response_vectors(self) -> list: """List of boolean lists containing the examinees answers to all items.""" return self._response_vectors @property def latest_estimations(self) -> list: """Final estimated :math:`\\hat\\theta` values for all examinees.""" return [ests[-1] if len(ests) > 0 else None for ests in self._estimations] @property def duration(self) -> float: """Duration of the simulation, in seconds.""" return self._duration @property def overlap_rate(self) -> float: """Overlap rate of the test, if it is of finite length.""" return self._overlap_rate @property def initializer(self) -> Optional[Initializer]: return self._initializer @property def selector(self) -> Optional[Selector]: return self._selector @property def estimator(self) -> Optional[Estimator]: return self._estimator @property def stopper(self) -> Optional[Stopper]: return self._stopper @property def bias(self) -> float: """Bias between the estimated and true abilities. This property is only available after :py:func:`simulate` has been successfully called. For more information on estimation bias, see :py:func:``""" return self._bias @property def mse(self) -> float: """Mean-squared error between the estimated and true abilities. This property is only available after :py:func:`simulate` has been successfully called. For more information on the mean-squared error of estimation, see :py:func:``""" return self._mse @property def rmse(self) -> float: """Root mean-squared error between the estimated and true abilities. This property is only available after :py:func:`simulate` has been successfully called. For more information on the root mean-squared error of estimation, see :py:func:``""" return self._rmse @property def examinees(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """:py:type:numpy.ndarray containing examinees true ability values (:math:`\\theta`).""" return self._examinees @examinees.setter def examinees(self, x: Union[int, list, numpy.ndarray]): self._examinees = self._to_distribution(x) def _to_distribution(self, x): # generate examinees from a normal distribution # if an int was passed if isinstance(x, int): if self._items is not None: mean = numpy.mean(self._items[:, 1]) stddev = numpy.std(self._items[:, 1]) dist = numpy.random.normal(mean, stddev, x) else: dist = numpy.random.normal(0, 1, x) elif isinstance(x, list): dist = numpy.array(x) elif isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray) and x.ndim == 1: dist = x else: raise ValueError( "Examinees must be an int, list of floats or one-dimensional numpy array" ) return dist
[docs] def simulate( self, initializer: Initializer = None, selector: Selector = None, estimator: Estimator = None, stopper: Stopper = None, verbose: bool = False, ): """Simulates a computerized adaptive testing application to one or more examinees :param initializer: an initializer that selects examinees :math:`\\theta_0` :param selector: a selector that selects new items to be presented to examinees :param estimator: an estimator that reestimates examinees abilities after each item is applied :param stopper: an object with a stopping criteria for the test :param verbose: whether to periodically print a message regarding the progress of the simulation. Good for longer simulations. >>> from catsim.initialization import RandomInitializer >>> from catsim.selection import MaxInfoSelector >>> from catsim.estimation import NumericalSearchEstimator >>> from catsim.stopping import MaxItemStopper >>> from catsim.simulation import Simulator >>> from import generate_item_bank >>> initializer = RandomInitializer() >>> selector = MaxInfoSelector() >>> estimator = NumericalSearchEstimator() >>> stopper = MaxItemStopper(20) >>> Simulator(generate_item_bank(100), 10).simulate(initializer, selector, estimator, stopper) """ if initializer is not None: self._initializer = initializer if selector is not None: self._selector = selector if estimator is not None: self._estimator = estimator if stopper is not None: self._stopper = stopper assert self._initializer is not None assert self._selector is not None assert self._estimator is not None assert self._stopper is not None for s in [self._initializer, self._selector, self._estimator, self._stopper]: s.simulator = self if verbose: print( f"Starting simulation: {self._initializer} {self._selector} {self._estimator} {self._stopper} {self._items.shape[0]} items" ) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(self.examinees)) start_time = time.time() for current_examinee, true_theta in enumerate(self.examinees): if verbose: pbar.update() est_theta = self._initializer.initialize(current_examinee) self._estimations[current_examinee].append(est_theta) while not self._stopper.stop(current_examinee): selected_item = # if the selector returns None, it means the selector and not the stopper, is asking the test to stop # this happens e.g. if the item bank or or the available strata end before the minimum error is achieved if selected_item is None: break # simulates the examinee's response via the four-parameter # logistic function response = ( irt.icc( true_theta, self.items[selected_item][0], self.items[selected_item][1], self.items[selected_item][2], self.items[selected_item][3], ) >= numpy.random.uniform() ) self._response_vectors[current_examinee].append(response) # adds the item selected by the selector to the pool of administered items self._administered_items[current_examinee].append(selected_item) # estimate the new theta using the given estimator est_theta = self._estimator.estimate(current_examinee) # count occurrences of this item in all tests item_occurrences = numpy.sum( [ selected_item in administered_list for administered_list in self._administered_items ] ) # update the exposure value for this item # r = number of tests item has been used on / total number of tests self.items[selected_item, 4] = item_occurrences / len(self.examinees) self._estimations[current_examinee].append(est_theta) self._duration = time.time() - start_time if verbose: pbar.close() print(f"Simulation took {self._duration} seconds") self._bias = cat.bias(self.examinees, self.latest_estimations) self._mse = cat.mse(self.examinees, self.latest_estimations) self._rmse = cat.rmse(self.examinees, self.latest_estimations) # overlap is computed only if all examinees answered the same amount of items # maybe there is a way to calculate it with tests of different lengths, # but I did not find it in the literature test_size = None len_first = len(self._administered_items[0]) if self._administered_items else None if isinstance(selector, FiniteSelector): test_size = selector.test_size elif all(len(i) == len_first for i in self._administered_items): test_size = len_first if test_size is not None: self._overlap_rate = cat.overlap_rate(self.items[:, 4], test_size)
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()